Out and about...

The places I call Americana...or Hometown USA...are something my kids will never really know. My grandchildren could possibly in time only read about them, probably online because those local newspapers are dying by the day.

This is why I'm adding a feature to my blog called Out and About. It's about places I have found and made a point to enjoy. It's places I invite anyone who reads about them to visit...and for a brief moment, visit yesteryear.

Caldwell, Ohio, and the Archwood Restaurant

Favorite Pasttime

Favorite Pasttime
One can't describe the feeling of catching a wild West Virginia Trout with a rod you built and a fly you tied.

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Are we forgetful or is it apathy...or lack of observation

The election for 2008 is only a few days away. This is perhaps one of the most important elections of our time. I know it is for me. I have watched and followed this one probably closer than any I can remember. I find matters so disturbing and confusing, it actually bothers me very deeply. I doubt if little research is done prior to casting one's vote. We go to the polling place, stand in line and hurry through . Some vote as their parents direct them or husbands or even wives. Some recognize a name and select, or simply allow one to stay in office regardless of the record.

What I am finding wrong and so disturbing is the movement to pull the election by forces other than the American vote. I watched with amazement the anger from past when the media was so dead set on calling an election before it was even over. Perhaps it was a ratings race or some sort of journalist victory for them. They were wrong and consequently angered. Perhaps what we are seeing is a means of revenge. A personal vendetta against the current administration. I don't care what party you support or one's opinion on the past 8 years. It's simply wrong. I read last winter a lot about the Irish movement for freedom and how the media and press tried so hard to sway the elections. One was quoted as saying that the average voter didn't have the intelligence to vote correctly or would allow emotions to mark their "X". What we are seeing now is no different.

I see spin replace the truth. Half truths replace facts, and blindness to the process follow too many to the polls. I have watched freedom of speech walk such a fine line of false statements and lies on both sides. I have watched a band wagon formed just after the last election that is so scary. Much like I watched with the Kennedy campaign. I have seen it spilled over from the pulpit, and issues so important forgotten because of some unknown fact dug up by one party or the other. It saddens me. It really does to think that the job, which is possibly one of the most important in the world, comes down to something such as this. True statesmen are a thing of the past in my opinion. Those in office become almost impossible to remove due to special interest and big money. I am seeing our country trampled and the true basis shoved aside for the quest of power and status. I try to convince myself I'm not seeing the fall of America. But it's becoming more and more difficult to do.

I have watched this state raped by outsiders and greed. I have personally watched the good old boy process at work and it sickens me. I chose to work in manufacturing. Others chose to be a politician and never a true public servant. I became involved the past two years with a matter of clean water in this state. Along with disappointment, I received a tremendous education on how the process works. I watched the lawyers and big money come out of the woodwork in secret and silence to sway a vote or legislation. I watched those that begged for our votes turn a blind eye to the public. I know all too well the importance of jobs and the need for a marriage between them and the environment. But what I see is that once they are in office, we no longer matter. Each vote seems to be some means of insuring re-election. I offered to personally take our law makers on a trip to the mountains to show them what so many of us were fighting for. They turned me down. When a newcomer comes along and stands up for what is right, he's labeled as a trouble maker and not having the state as his best interest. That his stance will cost jobs and development. Little do they know how tender we are. Little do so many know that, as they stand in that booth, they are helping paint the landscape of our state and my grandchildren's future.

Will there come a time when we stand to sing the national anthem that no longer will a chill come over our hearts? Will the pride so many have fade to apathy? I recently talked to a lady who told me she didn't vote and at 56 years old had never voted. The reason being is that all politicians were liars. You don't know what is true and what is not. This is so sad. If one could travel back in time and in a vapor drift over Valley Forge or Bunker Hill. If they could see the aftermath of Gettysburg or Bull Run. If they could walk the trenches of France and see the sacrifice so many have given for the right of freedom. If they could visit the jail cells of women fighting for the right to vote, or blacks beaten in their attempt. Perhaps they would see things differently and know it was a right - not given as much as it was earned. Recently I sat back and listened to my children discuss current matters in this country. I was amazed at the research and education they had. I was so proud of the thrust they had for the truth. I wish this were true with all of us. But it's not.

Do we have the right to complain if we don't vote. Some say yes. I say no. Our system is so set up to make sure each and everyone of us can exercise the right to vote. There is no excuse. Be wise. Read between the lines. Don't allow the small stuff to over shadow the important issues. That is what they want us to do. If someone claims to change. Know what the change is. If someone claims a matter they will fight for. Know what it is and that ONE can not achieve that in office. Know as they shake your hand - that same hand can so easily be swayed with money and power.