Out and about...

The places I call Americana...or Hometown USA...are something my kids will never really know. My grandchildren could possibly in time only read about them, probably online because those local newspapers are dying by the day.

This is why I'm adding a feature to my blog called Out and About. It's about places I have found and made a point to enjoy. It's places I invite anyone who reads about them to visit...and for a brief moment, visit yesteryear.

Caldwell, Ohio, and the Archwood Restaurant

Favorite Pasttime

Favorite Pasttime
One can't describe the feeling of catching a wild West Virginia Trout with a rod you built and a fly you tied.

My Favorite Blogs

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All written text and photography are copyrighted. Please enjoy but do not use without permission of the author, David Akers.


Coming soon...
Troutfishing...My Favorite Pasttime