Out and about...

The places I call Americana...or Hometown USA...are something my kids will never really know. My grandchildren could possibly in time only read about them, probably online because those local newspapers are dying by the day.

This is why I'm adding a feature to my blog called Out and About. It's about places I have found and made a point to enjoy. It's places I invite anyone who reads about them to visit...and for a brief moment, visit yesteryear.

Caldwell, Ohio, and the Archwood Restaurant

Favorite Pasttime

Favorite Pasttime
One can't describe the feeling of catching a wild West Virginia Trout with a rod you built and a fly you tied.

My Favorite Blogs

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All written text and photography are copyrighted. Please enjoy but do not use without permission of the author, David Akers.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What in the world was she thinking?

I was watching an old movie last night with a scene where someone was on their death bed, and the local town's doctor was administering an elixir of some nature. I had to laugh when I saw that...for it reminded me of a a similar thing my mother used to do.

As a child, and even today, I have a problem with sinus. Each summer, just as school was out, it would hit. I didn't know then it was spurred by allergies...I do now. I believed my mother when she told me it was skinny dipping in the Little Hole below the Blue Jay Cemetary. Just couldn't figure out why I was the only one getting sick.

But my mother had a remedy...it didn't work, but it was used all the same. It came in a thin clear bottle that was well hidden on the top shelf in the kitchen cabinet...along with a spoon large enough to dig a grave with. This same spoon was tarnished from years of holding it over the flame of the kitchen stove to warm up this magical elixir. This magic potion was Castor Oil. Made from fish oil and plants and with no real known benefit other than sending you to the bathroom in a very short time. This had to be, without a doubt, the most vile tasting thing I have ever tasted. Often this warm thick nothing was rewarded with the bite from an orange. Trust me, this didn't help one bit. It did, however, help with one thing. I seldom complained I was sick for the fear of then seeing her pull the chair over and climb to that top shelf.

I mentioned this at work one evening and got the comment that child abuse comes in many forms. They were joking, of course, but when you are 10 years old and knew what was ahead, you too thought it was. I'd complain like any child would. I got the same alternative each time. It's either the dose of Castor Oil or a shot in the butt from Ol' Doc Tetter. That was like choosing between a snake bite and poke in the eye. Internet searches show that Castor Oil's only true medical advantage was it worked like a laxative. Never could connect that with sinus and sore throat.